
Taking medication reliably

Do you have any questions? We are pleased to advise you:
+41 41 228 09 94 

Whether for prevention, relief or healing, modern pharmacy offers a variety of medication for the treatment of diseases and disorders. In order for these to work optimally, it is important that you take them exactly as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Frequency (once a day, twice a day, etc.)

  • Moment of ingestion (before or after meals, with an empty stomach, etc.)

  • Intake interval (every 6 hours, every 8 hours, etc.)

In everyday life, however, it often turns out that it is not so easy to take medication according to the medical prescription. Different daily hurdles can complicate a consistent and reliable intake:
  • Own everyday structure

  • Emerging unpleasant side effects of the medication

  • Difficulties in swallowing

  • Motor disabilities (such as trembling hands)

  • Visual impairment

Therefore, it is important with every prescription for medication that you ask yourself whether it is actually possible for you to take the medication according to the medical guidelines. If this is not the case, please ask your doctor if there are no other alternatives for treatment, or if medical aids are available.

Our guides «Medication – The Correct Way to Take It» and «Doctor Appointment» as well as the checklists «Medical Consultation» and «Medicative Therapy» provide you with information on how to overcome hurdles and obstacles to taking medication. They also offer reference points for possible questions for your doctor, and ideas for a better and more reliable implementation of medication therapy.

Your guides:

Your checklists:

Personal consultation:

Do you have questions about your medicative therapy?

24-hour health counseling
+41 41 210 02 50

Further information:

Medication brochure 
to print out (PDF)
(available in German and French)
  • Your doctor has prescribed pain relief drops for you, but you do not see well and have trouble counting the drops?

  • Your hands are trembling, and you find it difficult to cut tablets according to the prescription so that you can take the right dose?

  • You need to take multiple medications at different times and worry about losing the overview?

  • Do you already have medication that you should take twice a day, but because of forgetfulness or due to circumstance, you have only taken it once?

For a good therapeutic outcome, it is important that you take your medication reliably and according to the medical prescription. If you have physical or mental limitations (such as tremors or forgetfulness), talk to your doctor about it. Your doctor can check to see if the medication also exists in another form (for example, tablets instead of drops) or if you can benefit from certain medical aids.

Our guide «Medication – Medical Aids for the Intake» shows you good and simple medical aids that can simplify and facilitate the intake of medication: 
  • Medical aids in the event of motor problems (for example, trembling hands)

  • Medical aids in case of visual impairment

  • Medical aids for a better overview of the medication to be taken

  • Memory aids

Would you like expert support in all questions concerning your treatment?

concordiaCoach, on behalf of CONCORDIA, offers you advice tailored to your personal needs by means of a personal, medically trained coach.

You can learn more in our guide «Chronic Illness».

Your guides:

Personal consultation:

Assessment questionnaire
Individual health situation

Further information:

Medication brochure 
to print out (PDF)
(available in German and French)
Complementary medicinal products are very popular with patients. They are intended to activate the body's own forces for healing. For this purpose, substances are used that are found in nature and should bring the disturbed functions in the body back into balance.

Complementary medicine is intended as a supplement to conventional medical measures and not as a replacement. The interaction of both areas can contribute to achieving a good treatment result. Complementary medicinal products and methods are particularly well suited for people with chronic illnesses.

In our guide «Medication – Complementary Medicine», we are happy to answer the following questions:
  • Which methods does complementary medicine provide?

  • For which illnesses and diseases are complementary medical procedures suitable?

  • Is complementary medicine fundamentally harmless?

Do you suffer from one or more chronic illnesses?

concordiaCoach, on behalf of CONCORDIA, offers you advice tailored to your personal needs by means of a personal, medically trained coach.

Your guides:

Personal consultation:

Do you have questions about complementary medicine?

24-hour health counseling
+41 41 210 02 50

Assessment questionnaire
Individual health situation
Medicinal treatments can be expensive. This is especially true if you have been prescribed a long-term therapy or particularly expensive medication. As the affected person, you naturally ask yourself, in this case, if and how much of the costs incurred CONCORDIA will reimburse.

You should know the following:

  • In principle, medically prescribed medication and some medicinal products from complementary medicine are reimbursed by basic insurance if certain criteria are met.

  • These criteria are defined under the Swiss Federal Law on Health Insurance (KVG/LAMal).

  • CONCORDIA is obliged to verify the fulfilment of the given criteria mandatorily with every invoicing of benefits.

  • The supplementary insurances DIVERSA and NATURA may contribute to medication and complementary medicinal products as well.

In our guide «Medication – What will be reimbursed?» we answer the following questions:
  • According to which criteria are the costs of medication paid from basic insurance?

  • How are complementary medicinal remedies remunerated?

  • When and how do the supplementary insurances participate in the cost of medication?

Do you have any questions? Your customer service representative at your CONCORDIA agency will be happy to answer your questions regarding the remuneration of medication costs.

Your guide:

Personal consultation:

Do you have questions regarding the reimbursement of costs by CONCORDIA?

Medicinal therapies can quickly become expensive for those affected: In addition to franchises and deductibles, you may also be required to pay for other medical benefits that you may have incurred (for example, a hospital stay). So the financial burden can quickly become a financial bottleneck.

Financial bottlenecks mean stress and thus an additional burden on your health. It is understandable that patients in such a situation are looking for ways to save money. However, it would be fatal, for example, if you reduced the dosage of your prescribed medication or simply discontinued medication without immediate effect in order to save costs. Not only would this be a major threat to your general health, but also for achieving your treatment goals.

In our guide «Medication – Lower Costs without Quality Loss», we show you various possibilities to save money in the course of a medicinal therapy:
  • Lower the deductible by choosing generic medicine instead of original medicine

  • Ask for appropriate package size

  • Obtain prescription-only permanent medication through mail-order pharmacies

Your guide:

Further information:

Generic medicine: search function
(available in German, French and Italian)

Give us your feedback: What experiences have you had with the CONCORDIA Health Compass? Do you have questions about using it?
What suggestions do you have for us? Or maybe you didn't find what you were looking for?
Call us on +41 41 228 09 94. Or write your message to

We would be happy to provide further assistance.