Health insurance card as data carrier

Legal Bases
The legal provisions concerning the Swiss health insurance card pursuant to the Swiss federal law on health insurance (KVG/LAMal) are regulated in Art. 42 of the KVG/LAMal and in the ordinance on the insurance card for obligatory health care insurance (VVK/OCA/ OTeA). In accordance with the VVK/OCA/OTeA, you are obligated to show the insurance card when drawing benefits in the health care system. With your verbal consent, all benefit providers that have been authorised by the VVK/OCA/OTeA may retrieve the following data online for the purpose of issuing an invoice. In accordance with the VVK/OCA/OTeA, CONCORDIA shows the following data:
- Surname, first name, address
- AHV/AVS/OASI number
- Date of birth
- Sex
- Name and CONCORDIA identification number
- CONCORDIA billing address
- Information concerning the insurance relationship (mandatory health care insurance: yes or no)
- Identification number of the insurance card
- Expiration date of the insurance card
- Special forms of mandatory health care insurance
- Inclusion or exclusion of accident cover
- Supplementary insurances
- Mode of issuing invoices (direct payment/reimbursement)
Limitation to Data Retrieval
In accordance with the VVK/OCA/OTeA, you can request that information concerning supplementary insurance pursuant to the Swiss federal law on insurance contracts (VVG/LCA) no longer be shown. You may receive the form regarding the limitation of access to your data at your CONCORDIA agency. Please note that in the event that insurance information is not accessible, it is not possible for benefit providers to issue invoices directly to CONCORDIA.
Data Storage on a Microchip
When you receive your card, only the information printed on the front side of the card is stored on the microchip:
- Surname and first name
- Card number
- Date of birth and sex
- AHV/AVS n°
- Date of expiry
- concordiaMed 24-hour health counselling